We had a great time at Grandma Suzie's for Christmas! It was so fun to see the cousins. We even met Santa and he gave Kennedie and Mikah a present from his sack! Kennedie couldn't stop talking about it. Since we were at Grandma's house, Santa left the "big" presents at our home in St. George. He left Kennedie and Mikah a picture of their presents in front of the tree. Kennedie got a bike and Mikah got a wiggle car. It was definitely a Merry Christmas! Kennedie carried her picture around everywhere and showed it to everyone!
Mikah wouldn't sit still for a picture with the cousins if you couldn't tell. Curtis stepped in and tried to help, but it may have made him want to do it more! The pictures turned out super adorable. And by the end all the little ones were wanting to be moving everywhere.

Bowling was a blast! Kennedie loved waiting for the ball to come back. She taught Mikah how to bowl. What a wonderful big sister she is! The best part for Kennedie was having Aunt Joni there. They are "best friends" and Kennedie loves being wherever Joni is. We love you Joni!
Mikah had his first haircut while at Grandma Suzie's. Joni did a fabulous job! He had some beautiful curls, but he looks so handsome now. He wasn't so sure about it, but the binky saved the day! It helped that Daddy was holding him too.
When we got home from Grandma Suzie's, the first thing Kennedie did was go to her new bike and wanted to ride it. Does she look excited or what?! Mikah got some help from Dad with his wiggle car.
The picture of the house with the lights is one in St. George. It had music and was amazing! I can't wait til next Christmas to see them again.
Grandma Bonnie and Papa had Christmas waiting for us when we got home. Kennedie loves her baby Cinderella and her new pants are fantastic! My favorite is her Halloween shirt she had to wear. She makes me laugh! Mikah played with his new cars until we brought them home. It was a wonderful Christmas!